Over 100 dogs and their handlers will be competing in an AAC sanctioned Agility Trial at REACHHuron on Friday, April 20 2018. The majority of these teams are here for a “Sneak Peak” at the REACHHuron Centre before the AAC Ontario West Regional Championship are held here the last weekend in May 2018.
The Agility Association of Canada ( www.aac.ca )and it’s member clubs (TLC, check us out at www.tollhaven.com ) welcome dogs of all heritage that are over 18 months of age to show their skills on the agility obstacles at several levels of difficulty. This trial will see dogs from “Starters” who are just starting out, the “Advanced” teams are starting to get it together (pun intended) and the “Masters” teams are amazing to watch and may include past and future Champions!
Obstacles included in the agility course can be tunnels, jumps, weave poles, a big Aframe, a loooong dogwalk (like a catwalk,but for dogs), a teeter, a wall jump and sometimes some specialty jumps depending on the club.
Courses can be Standard (all the obstacles), Jumpers (all jumps and tunnels and FAST!) or sometimes Games classes like Snooker and Gamblers are played. There is something for everyone, of all ages, of all breed in the sport of dog agility. It’s one of the greatest groups of people you could ever spend your weekends with!